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19 يناير 2011

callin me for MY TV SERIES,,we want you,,hell they did it finally

well,today I got a call from one of the minstry of media's directors.ThE ARE IN HURRY ,they want me to finish my senario of my novel,PAPERS OF LOVE TIME,
I was like turturing them, and I did that for a reason

first they said that I have to joing a workshop in the mistry to know how to write a senarion,

like hell

I need no workshop to know how to write a senario, because I worked in the feild,directed so many plays and short documentary films,and above all wrote sketches for stage acting, so whay do I need workshops?

Today, they admit it,they want my script as asoon as possible

well, thats make me feel good and know my level in writing for tv series

am loving it

15 يناير 2011

The ART of Kissing

The Art of Kissing

It is that day when your destiny leads you to hear lips, your soul surrounded with delicious desires Sticking to each other body-to-body, soul –to- soul, when the your heart goes breathless endlessly, when your eyes see nothing but the beauty black sea of her eyes while her eyelash scratching your eyelash lovely gently softly, when the artwork of words travel away and there is only the heat of passion talk and stay, when your hand are hugging her soft cotton body and a mysterious gaze of  anonymous language starting to raise between your both eyes, you smell her sacred perfume as your nose is full of it till the last tiny atom in your smell sense pushing you to huge her more and more in your warm arm, when your lower lip touch softly her upper lip for the first time and both of your breath are burning like a stay still ash of fire, you feel that all the heavens only created in her circular mouth  and when your lips go together touching and pressing her ones your little devil of passion raises from your soul, from the depth of your sexual desire making the air more hot and hot by every bite of your lip on her lip, to sigh loudly with fitful breaths and to let your  red hot tongue hugs her tongue inside is the unleashing the power of passion within you, when the taste of her lips is melting in your mouth like the hot creamy chocolate and oh yes you will drink all of it, every silver shiny silver drop of it you will drink it as if your body desert waiting for water so long ,you breath and drink and sigh making every single kiss seems like a whole epical delicious moment, then you touch her soft full of milk breast, you pull your breath back when she feels your hands on her chest because she is unleashing her feminine power of desire too, you hold one of them pressing it moving it around softly raising it up and lowering it down softly like the wind passing by a skinny meadow of love while your lips continue kissing her mouth, in these moment the world is behind the two of you, you kiss and press each other chests and thighs drinking from the same wine of passion from your both lips with out stop,your nose are fighting each other, your checks are navigating through each other and your bodies chafe against each others and you huge her as if you want to bury her body in your ribs ,out loud screaming of desire attached with leaving the lips and hugging each other to lighter the heat of passion. Then finally, a small short kiss to give a happy end for the story.            

8 يناير 2011

اخر الخطوات في طريق النشر والتاليف

استلمت عقد بدء نشر رواية " أوراق من زمن الحب "

وأعكف حاليا على وضع اللمسات الاخيرة لرتوش رواية " على حافة الجسد".. رواية ستصدمكمكثيرا, لكنها بلا شك ستعجبكم في النهاية..

وايضا : نص المسرحية بتاعي وصل لاحد أصحاب شركات الانتاج وبانتظار موافقة تمويل المسرحية ليتم البدء في تمثيلها من قبل فرقة... واشدد انني ما احب اي فرقة تمسك المسرححية( عشان مايخربوا بيتها يعني ) خصوصا اني تعبت عليها والاستاذة فاطمة الشكيلي  من قسم المسرح ماجصرت معاي تعبت بعد جزاها الله الف خير.

وعلى صعيد أخر .... هناك شبه (حلم) في عمل سكريبت لفلم لهوليوود ... يعني مثل storyboard .. تواصلت مع سبع شركات امريكية سينمائيةوالكل فيها يطلب برسومات للفلم خصوصا ان storyboard على شكل comices يعني مثل سبايدرمان وربعه..

يبدوا حلما صعب التحقيق لكنني اصعب منه بكثير خصوصا وان قصة الفلم رهييييييييييييبة.. اللهم لا فخر.


الانسحاب من الجامعة

افكر بالانسحابمن الجامعة

امممممممممممممم... جلست مع نفسيووجدت انني لم أجد نفسي في الجامعة.. لا اقول ان الجامعة لم تفدني ولكنها لن تحقق طموحاتي (الضخمة).. وليس هذا بغروروا

أعمل على مشروعي العملاق (المصنع) واضطر الى التغييب عن كثير من المحاضرات وحتى الامتحانات والاسامنتات(حلوة هاذي اسايمنتات-عمانين لاه) لذلك اقع في دائرة عتب من الاساتذة بينما ان المشروع ضخم ويستحق التعب حقا... ومن ناحية الربحية سيدر علي الملايين... هاذي الملايين يمكنني ان احقق بها احلام أخرى.. أكثرها أدبية...امممم هل انا مجنون؟؟ ربما لكن مجنون وعقلي اتقاذفه بين يدي؟؟؟

يا ترى انسحب ولا ويش ؟؟